Oh boy this crew was one to behold. We’ve got Johnny Collinson (the body builder) known for his incredible athletic abilities and king of the tree taps. EJack, literal jack of all trades, snowboarder, guitarist, and beef jerky connoisseur … There’s his brother JJ (Jooohhhn Jackson) with the long dreads and insane appetite for ridiculously small landings. Finally, there’s me, here to kick off this journey of our trip spent in Crested Butte, Colorado, with BD, Irwin Cat Guides, and Eleven Experience. I had an incredible week with these guys and will be reminiscing for years to come.  

-- Parkin Costain


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Follow @parkincostain
Black Diamond Athletes Eric Jackson and Parkin Costain looking at lines in Crested Butte, CO.
Black Diamond Athlete John Jackson grabbing indy while jumping off a cliff in Crested Butte, CO.
Black Diamond Athletes enjoying powder turns together in Crested Butte, CO.

Want to see what Parkin is up to this winter?

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