Built for the Mountains

With six decades of innovation in the world of climbing, skiing, and outdoor equipment, Black Diamond has deep roots in the mountains. Bring that heritage to Bend, Oregon, a community with an equally historic past, having pioneered sport climbing in America with the nearby routes of Smith Rock, not to mention the epic skiing playground of Mt. Bachelor, and you have the perfect partnership. That’s right. We’re opening a Black Diamond Store right in the heart of Bend.

Visit our storefront for

The Gear You Need, From the Ground Up.

We pride ourselves on having every piece of gear you need for any adventure. From overnights in the backcountry to gym sessions and post send bar hopping, Black Diamond’s wide breadth of equipment has you covered. Stop by and let us know what you’re looking for. We’ve got it.

A BD Headlamp in the night sky.
A climber with a large rack of cams.
Climbing crack in Oregon.
Running with a BD Distance 4 pack.

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@Blackdiamond_stores on IG