Video by Make The Sauce Productions

There is incredible healing power in the outdoors, especially for members of the BIPOC Community. The heritage in these communities are direct connections to the land, and the Black Outside, Inc. strives to reconnect youth to their roots and to outdoor spaces.


One of their initiatives is The Bloom Project, which works with youth directly impacted by incarceration to create healing-centered experiences. During a recent Bloom Project retreat, the Black Outside directors introduced a night hike to their program.


Bloom Project Director Ki’Amber Thompson explains, “there is a connection to the history of our ancestors, who hiked at night and traveled to escape the conditions of slavery and who might have used the stars as guides.”

Follow the Black Outside as they honor that history with the Bloom Project and create an unforgettable experience for the BIPOC community.

The Black Outside

Reconnecting the BIPOC Community to its Roots.

Follow @blackoutside_inc
A member of The Black Outside wearing a headlamp.
A member of The Black Outside laughing.
The Black Outside hiking down a trail as a group.
A member of The Black Outside wearing a headlamp.

Learn more about The Black Outside

Head over to The Black Outside's website.

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